Chrono VGMix Archive & CT spc rip notes

When VGMix went down, my music pages became 30% broken links. I’ve scrounged up about 2/3 of all Chrono Series VGMixes for download to correct this. Find ’em at . If you have any missing tracks (listed at the text doc at that URL), upload them or something. Also, it bears repeating — Virt, someone trolled with my name after VGMix 2 went down. I’m apparently not banned anymore, so I hope you saw the message at OUS about this. Secondly, SNESMusic just released new CT and CTP .spc archives. It seems there are problems, though. For the full list, read the extended text. The Chrono Compendium’s putting together a rip right now that should be done as soon as we a.) retranslate the song names (current translation dates from 1995 🙁 ) and b.) figure out why the left stereo on “Final Battle” is muting.
Problems with the new rips:


1-02b Chrono Trigger (Finale) – Starts a couple seconds after the actual beginning of this song.
2-04 People Without Hope – Two variants of this song are missing.
2-05b Lavos’s Theme (Extended) – Misses the hi-hats that play at the beginning of this song.
2-22b Magus’s Castle (Bats) – The bats are a sound effect. Whoever was ripping this must have accidentally got them too.
3-14 Last Battle – Left stereo mutes after beginning until the main part of the song comes in. Still trying to figure this one out.
se04 Prison Tower (Variant) – Same as Prison Tower; it just starts at 0:35 in the real song.
se06 Computer Active – This is a sound effect, and isn’t in the game’s music data.
se07 Intruder Alarm – Ditto sound effect.
se11 & se13 – No reason to separate these, as they can be ripped in one track.
se17 Blackbird Crashes – Ditto sound effect.
se22 Ozzie Laughs – Ditto sound effect.
se23 Ozzie Falls – Ditto sound effect.


39b – Confusing Melody (Bats) – Same as above; there are no bats here. Someone accidentally ripped them with the song at Magus’s Castle.
se06 Computer Active – Ditto sound effect.
se07 Intruder Alarm – Ditto sound effect.
se12 Earthquake – There is no Earthquake, just Earthquake (Variant) in the Prerelease ROM.


The Compendium’s putting together an all-star rip to correct these problems. We’re still puzzled about the mute in the “Final Battle” song, so if you’ve tinkered with .spcs before, stop by and read the diagnosis here. As for those sound effect, the Compendium has both sets (normal and battle) ripped here. Also, if you can retranslate CT’s track list, let me know. We’re having a hard time finding someone.