That’s right, the ThaSauce Forums are for your benefit. Not only can you scope out the songs currently being checked for quality for Remix:ThaSauce by the Arbiters, you can voice your opinions in the open Remixing forum. Also, you can let us know what you think about the site layout, content management, and other design issues on the Feedback forum.
The Remixing forum doubles as the Public QC Arena and the Musician’s Help Sauce, where one can ask questions pertaining to getting the best bang for their buck out of their weapons of choice. Exceptional threads will be condensed and their contents posted on ThaWiki, which will in the future work together with the VGMix Library so that there is no conflicting information between the two. The Dev forums is for developers, coders, and scripters who are looking for resources within the Video Game Music Arrangement community, for website owners looking for someone to assist them in building websites, and for game developers to show off their goods. Just made an original song? Swing on by the Pimpage forum! Here you can showcase your music that isn’t on R:TS for all to see. Of course there is also a R:TS Review section, where you can share your thoughts and offer criticisms of the music hosted on Remix:ThaSauce. There is also an open Projects forum in which you can offer up ideas and samples for community projects, not necessarily exclusive to video game music.
So! Check it out! 🙂