Hello, and welcome to the start of a series of articles I will be writing about the C64 Scene. Now, I know there are a couple of sites out there that are very important in the scene, and I will definitely do my best to cover them all, so just bear with me as we go along on this literary journey together. And please, don’t mind me too much, as this is going to be a transition period for me into a more writing-focused role.
So welcome to the new year! And what a new year it is already. To
start off the new year right, it’s only fair that I bring you up to
speed on new releases this month thus far from Remix.Kwed.Org, as it is
a fantastic C64 remixing site, with enough tracks to keep you busy for
a very long time. If you haven’t already, I suggest downloading, via
bittorrent, the entire library of RKO remixes. You can find those
right here at this link right here.
So here are this months current remixes, in no particular order:
Glider Rider, by Mongo Erectus
Auf Wiedersehen Monty, by mindtraP
DNA Warrior Highscore (80s Remix), by Metal
Scumball (dirty rough and brutal), by Peachmaker
Rabbit (happy & sad), by Slaygon
Chimera Subtune 2 (Vanguard Ahoy Mix), by Boz
Dream n Trance (Good Love), by Emre Bulsat
Last Ninja theme (Orchestral), by Pancho21
Comic Bakery, by Sperling
Strike Force (noise progress mix), by Emre Bulsat
First Time (Orchestra Mix), by Setrodox
So much in such a little amount of time, and the year has only just
begun. There will be many releases this year, so keep your sights
firmly set on RKO for more excellent music.
Luckily for many of you who are reading this right now, there’s a bit of information that I am very happy to pass along to you. Tonight, on SLAY Radio, will be the Remixer of the Year 2008 Awards Show. So be sure to go there, and check that out. It’s on at 20:00 CET, which is 2:00pm EST (I had to look it up, CET is Central European Time which is UTC + 1, EST is Eastern Standard Time, which is UTC – 5, I did the math, go me!) Anyway, check that out, it’s sure to be excellent!
That’s it for now, but I plan on making this article at least a monthly feature, if not a bi-weekly feature as time permits me. In the meantime, check out the many sites in the scene, all of which I will list right now.
Also, here’s a small special feature for those who don’t know this already; OverClocked Remix has a section for C64 remixes. Now while there’s only a handful available, the point is that it’s there for your enjoyment, so please, go right ahead and grab those!