Because of vacation, I will not be able to host the radio show saturday. My apologies to everyone who’s been listening faithfully. I have taken to the road to travel to the distant state of…wait for it… Delaware. I’m away visiting friends, and unfortunately, did not feel appropriate dragging my desktop with me, along with my recording gear. And though my laptop is pretty new, it’s not been very able with recording voice, or anything of the like.
Therefore, there will be no show this week. HOWEVER!!!
in Saturday, May 2nd for the next exciting installment of Radio
ThaSauce Live!! Next weekend will be a two hours show as usual,
followed by an after show which will have no end point. It only ends
when people start to log off for the night. I’ll have plenty of news,
music and events for you, and I’ll even talk about my trip!
See you in a little over a week!