A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to talk to Danny Baranowsky about an upcoming game project for which he was writing music for. Well, I didn’t have to wait too long, and now have had the opportunity to bring to you news of what appears to be an excellent game, with most excellent music.
Fathom. A web game by Adam Saltsman, featuring the music of Danny Baranowsky was just recently released, and it is GOOD!
The game features Danny’s music, which is completely chiptune, and most excellent. In fact, if you’d like to listen to a track directly from the game, there is a free one linked in the article from Offworld.com, where Danny himself linked me to show off the new game and his music.
Also, be sure to check out db Soundworks, Danny’s personal website which featuers news as well as games he’s worked on. It also features a chiptune jukebox where you can stream music right ont he site. It’s absolutely awesome!
In review of the game, let’s just say I haven’t played through as much as I’d like to, but from what I’ve played so far, it looks very, very good. Plenty of depth to it, and worth the time to just sit and play with it.
Thank you Danny for keeping me up to date with your works!