I have decided to start a brand new weekly section. Every Sunday I shall bring together the smaller links I dig up every week and introduce them to you in this segment. As well as update you on the latest releases out ofRemix: Tha Sauce and OverClocked ReMix.
I also hope to toss up some random art to kick off every article, like this awesome painting above byfunnelbc.
As with any other article or news, if you have a good link to send my way for this article, definitely get in touch!
Sound Current: 2 Player Productions – Reformatting PAX for DVD from GameSetWatchAn audience with Video Games Live’s Tommy Tallarico from geeks.co.uk
Designers Announced for Exclusive Visualist T-Shirts from Blip Festival
Shows & Podcasts
Digital Ensemble #207 and #208 with Special Guests!
A bicycle built for three
Alphabutt SoupPodcast: NLFM Episode 1 – Open For Business! from Nintendo Life
Latest Remix: Tha Sauce songs
Battle in the Ancient Temple (Zelda: Majora’s Mask) by Liquid WindAltar Perception (Tales of Symphonia) by Monobrow
Autumn in Yesteryear Guardia (Chrono Trigger) by Protricity
Smithy is Going Down (Super Mario RPG) by NintenJoe 64
Smoothe Criminals (Xenogears) by The Vagrance
Meteorites and Rabbits (Super Mario Galaxy) by jmr
Tryst With the Enemy (Metroid Fusion) by Protricity
Worm Grinder (Super Metroid) by Liquid Wind
Pangaea’s Onomotapoeia (Secret of Evermore) by Meteo Xavier
Crepuscle Results (Sonic 2) by Xenon Odyssey
Investigating Outer Heaven (Metal Gear) by Mutherpluckin’ B
Latest OCReMix releases
Berinstar (Super Metroid) by 8 Bit InstrumentalThe Masked Man (Street Fighter II: The World Warrior) by Nutritious
A Mighty Enemy on the Battlefield (Lost Odyssey) by The Dual Dragons
Minibadass (Aquaria) by Daniel Baranowsky
Ravaging Reptile (Mega Man 3) by AeroZ
Psi Piano Omega (EarthBound) by Shnabubula
And finally, we end with this recent video from dntsje called Bad Apple!! on LCD Screen 128×64 pixels.