Mike Levinson, drummer of The Megas and former popular punk band Agent 51, has recently launched a Kickstarter project to help him release an acoustic album:
I’ve wanted to release an acoustic record for a long time, but I’ve never had the time, funding, or drive to make it happen. Now is the time. Playing drums comes naturally to me. I enjoy being the backbone of the band and its fitting of my personality that I get to hide behind my drums while the other guys do their thing in front of the crowd. While the spotlight generally isn’t my thing I still enjoy writing and creating my own songs. I’m very proud of the work I’ve done on drums, but I’d also like to release a piece of music that is undeniably a piece of who I am as a person and an artist. This album I’d like to record is the Michael Hell acoustic album which I’m planning on titling “A Tell Tale Heart” in a nod to my favorite author and fellow troubled soul Edgar Allen Poe.
While we know that this album is not directly correlated to VGM news, we’d like to help support Mike Levinson as a very talented artist who has boldly put himself out there. The incentives are also a bonus for you Megas fans out there: a $50+ pledge gets you a signed drumstick used by Mr. Levinson at a Megas show, a copy of the extremely rare Megas Comic-Con sampler from 2007 with some early mixes pre-Get Equipped, and a DLN01 “Demo Get” CD with demos from the band’s inception.
You can find more information on Mr. Levinson’s project and pledge incentives on his Kickstarter project page.