Video game news hub Kotaku is holding a poll for video game music enthusiasts to help choose a video game anthem for the London Philharmonic‘s next album:
Last fall, we were honored to premiere the London Philharmonic’s album of video game music here at Kotaku.
The esteemed ensemble is planning a follow-up album, and they’ve asked us to ask you to help them pick one of the songs that they’ll record. Whaddya say?
It’ll work like this: The poll below will be open all week, and will close at midnight on Friday. Unless otherwise specified, the music recorded will be the main theme from the game, or whatever is considered to be the primary theme. Everyone is allowed one vote, and whichever tune wins will be arranged for the Philharmonic and recorded for the album. Best of all, Kotaku will exclusively premiere whatever track you guys pick. So, make it a good one!
There are some great choices on here. Want to hear the London Philharmonic play the Castlevania theme? What about Final Fantasy VI? Or… dear god, how about Fez?
With the poll closing on Friday, June 1st, take time to vote for your favorite video game theme today.