Established by the creators of the leading independent video game editorial site and online download service Desura, indie game bundle website Indie Royale releases game bundles every two weeks to help get the word out over games that are worth playing and support developers that are typically passed over in mainstream media.
This time around, Indie Royale has recently released a Spring Bundle of some of the most brilliantly designed indie releases, such as Unstoppable Gorg, Tobe’s Vertical Adventure, Slydris, Inferno+, Ballistic, and Depths of Peril. Oh, and these games are even available on most platforms. Yeah, that’s right. Even you Mac users receive a chance to get on this amazing deal.  In addition to all these awesome games that you get, Danimal Cannon‘s critically-acclaimed chiptune album Roots is also available for the taking.
While you’re busy subscribing to Indie Royale’s newsletter and buying the bundle, we’re going to sit in the corner and contemplate about how amazing this deal is.