As Suzu has already mentioned, we’ve been working pretty hard on moving ThaSauce to a new dedicated server, which will (hopefully) be a lot better for everyone, even IF it’s being a real pain to get up and running. Everything should be worth it in the end =P. Other than the server thing, we’ve also made a few (obvious) changes…
I’ve always known ThaSauce was a tad bit difficult to navigate. Last night a certain friend of mine drilled me about it for a solid hour or so before I actually got up and said “I know exactly what to do.”
First thing you’ll notice is, we removed a ton of extra crap from the Navigation Block. In fact, we rebuilt the entire thing. Everything is now in easy to understand categories, so that we can help avoid confusion. People can easily find the news and calendar submissions, as well as not have to search an alphabetically ordered list for under-appreciated things like the Forums, Tracker, and Wiki (the last two of which are now direct links instead of redirects).
Another complaint I got was that a lot of people didn’t even KNOW we had themes. It’s true, we seriously do. So we’ve moved the “registered user” specific links to their OWN block (only visible when logged in) that includes a link to your Account Home, your Private Messages, and has a drop down menu that allows you to change you theme on ANY PAGE (any page on the main site, anyway). You’ll notice, however, that it still have a few kinks to work out, but it’s all minor stuff. Soon we’ll also be looking into weeding out any bad themes, and fine tuning the GOOD ones. We’d like your feedback on these, as well, so make sure to drop by the forums and leave a note or two – which themes you like, which ones are seriously broken, and so on.
Lastly you’ll notice that…well just about every block we HAD has been moved. This was done to make navigating ThaSauce easier and MAYBE EVEN drop the page load time a bit. You also may notice that the RSSs feeds are gone, this is because we’re making an attempt to better organize them all to save time and space but someone’s feeds are broken, thusly slowing down the entire process.
Anyway, I think that’s it for now. Just some of many steps ThaSauce is making to become less sucky and more awesome. And be sure to give us all kinds of feedback…’cause ya’know…we need it 🙁
Less Than Three, Always,