On February 28th, OC ReMix published it’s newest original video game OST: Missile Master, Episode 1: Invasion by OC ReMixer Kunal “ktriton” Majmudar. This marks their 4th free video game soundtrack, following the release of the Return All Robots soundtrack by Andrew “zircon” Aversa.
From the official press release:
February 28, 2011
Contact: [email protected]FAIRFAX, VA-Missile Master, Episode 1: Invasion, a retro arcade-style developed by Javelin for iOS-based devices, was released last year through Apple’s App Store. Today, OverClocked ReMix has released the game’s soundtrack for free. BitTorrent download at http://ocremix.org/album/26/missile-…nal-soundtrack.
This marks the fourth time OverClocked ReMix, a community primarily focused on fan arrangements of video game music, has published an original soundtrack on behalf of a game developer. Missile Master, Episode 1: Invasion‘s soundtrack was composed by Kunal “ktriton” Majmudar, OC ReMixer and independent composer. OC ReMix will continue to publish more free game soundtracks on behalf of interested game developers and publishers in the future, providing convenient hosting and free promotion.
Missle Master, Episode 1: Invasion is available now for $0.99 on the Apple App Store and was developed by the independent software development company Javelin.
- Buy the Game (iPhone, iPod Touch) -Â http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/missi…er/id396657508
- Buy the Game (iPad) -Â http://itunes.apple.com/my/app/missi…ad/id364873238
- Official Launch Trailer -Â http://youtube.com/watch?v=Ea-CdcZ6BB8
- Album Info -Â http://ocremix.org/album/26/missile-…nal-soundtrack
- OST Download (BitTorrent) -Â http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Missi…dtrack.torrent
- Review the Album -Â http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33777
- Javelin Homepage -Â http://javelin.com.my/Javelin/About.html
- Kunal “ktriton” Majmudar’s Homepage -Â http://ktriton.com