Our friends over at KNGI Video Game Podcast Network, a premier online destination for video game music-related radio shows and web content, has just implemented a brand spankin’ new VGM Radio Calendar for all your video game music radio show needs:
As you might know, there are dozens of web-based radio shows dedicated to video game music and VGM-inspired fare. To help you keep track of them and learn about shows you may not be aware of, KNGI presents the VGM Radio Calendar! From here, you can learn of the many radio shows around the internet dedicated to video game music and easily add them to your own Google calendar. KNGI/Arecibo Radio shows are included, as well as shows from the 8bitX Radio Network, SLAYRadio, RadioSEGA, Radio Nintendo and other networks, as well as a number of independent shows. If you host or know of another VGM-related radio show not on the calendar, just let us know and we’ll be happy to add it!
Just to reiterate, you can add this schedule to your Google calendar. YoucanaddthistoyourGooglecalendar. Gone are the days when we miss an anticipated radio show due to forgetfulness! Huge thanks to KNGI for making the time to produce such an extensive list for the public.